Admission Arrangements Consultation 2026/2027
Consultation on the proposed admission arrangements for the 2026/2027 academic year
In accordance with the School Admissions Code 2021, admission authorities must consult on their admission arrangements at least once every 7 years, even if there have been no changes to their arrangements during that period. This now applies to Beaver Road for the admission year 2026/2027.
During a consultation period parents and stakeholders are invited to share their views on our admission arrangements.
Therefore in accordance with DfE guidance, our consultation period will run for 6 weeks and open on 10th December 2024 and close at the end of day on 21st January 2025.
Please find a copy of our proposed policy in draft format below.
If you have any comments in relation to our proposed arrangements, the easiest way to submit your view is via our online form:
Alternatively you can write to:
Beaver Road Primary School
Beaver Road
M20 6SX
Please note: The deadline for comments to be received by school is 21st January 2025.