Who should I talk to if I am worried about my child?
Your child’s class teacher is always best placed to answer any questions you may have relating to any aspect of School life. They may consult other staff members involved with your child. You can also contact the School SENCo either via email or the school office if your concerns have not been answered by your child’s class teacher.

What types of support will be available to my child? How will teaching be adapted?
There are many types of SEND support available at Beaver Road Primary School.

These range from full time 1-1 support to short 20 minute intervention sessions.

Support for all children begins in the classroom with ‘Quality First Teaching’, where the class teacher plans differentiated activities in all lessons including a range of learning styles and outcomes. If a teacher feels that a child needs more support, they will share this information with you as a Parent/Carer and outline and deliver initial provision. If progress remains a concern, the class teacher and SENCo will follow the process outlined in the school SEND Identification Strategy.

How will I find out about my child's progress?
You can attend regular Parent’s Evenings throughout the School year. In addition, you can email the class teacher or call the School Office to arrange an appointment to meet with the class teacher to discuss any concerns.

How can I support my child?
Stay in regular contact with School – we want to work in partnership with Parents and Carers. Attend all Parent meetings and support your child in following tasks and homework set by School. Encourage your child at all times and let us know of all successes outside of School. Always talk to your child’s class teacher if you have any concerns or worries about your child.

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