KS1 SATs Information

SATS and Phonics Screening

Current government guidelines state that children will have both Phonics Screening Checks and SATS in Year 2. Phonics Screening checks are due to take place at the end of the Autumn term 2020, and SATS in May 2021. For children who do not pass their Phonics Screening Check in Autumn, they will retake the check again at the end of Year 2.
KS1 SATs and Phonics Screening are statutory.
The assessment will form part of a measure of how schools are helping their pupils to progress between the end of KS1and KS2.
SATS in Year 2 are different to Year 6 – teachers can still use teacher assessment to inform judgements.
In Year 2 SATS are carried out in small groups and children are unaware they are completing their SATS, as they are introduced to the assessments gradually over the year and form part of many prior lessons.
SATS results will be shared with you in your child’s end of Year Report. SATS results are reported as follows: PKF, Working Towards the Expecpted Standard, Working at the Expected Standard, and working at Greater Depth within the Expected Standard.

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