Nursery 2024 - 2025

Beaver Road First

Start Day: 8.50am

Lunchtime: 11.20am - 12.20pm

End Day: 3.10pm

Wednesday Pick up for part time: 11.10am

Wednesday start time for part time pupils: 

At Beaver Road our children experience a vibrant, nurturing, fun, challenging and engaging environment. Our curriculum is ambitious and well planned and we embody a pedagogy that nurtures and develops the whole individual child. We are fully committed to giving the children the best start and our practice is informed by the latest research and evidence. We understand intricately that children's early years lay the foundations for life, impacting on social, emotional, physical and cognitive development. Because of this children are encouraged to become active agents in their own learning, to explore and find things out. We plan learning opportunities that involve lots of talking, writing, collaboration, sharing and counting, along with specific and skilfully chosen questions to stretch and develop each child. We plan to appeal to the children’s interests and our holistic approach enables children to become articulate and confident. 

Through a play based and explorative approach that encourages curiosity and depth of thought, children develop a strong motivation to learn. Our approach ensures strong foundations are laid in reading and mathematics, and ensures children develop a secure base of knowledge from which mastery is built.

We value and respect our parents at Beaver Road and work to keep parents well informed and involved in their child’s learning and development. Our curriculum does not stop at the classroom door. 

The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child's own natural desire to learn, Maria Montessori

Play is the highest form of research, Albert Einstein


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