Extracurricular and Enrichment Activities


Strengthening our broad and balanced school curriculum, as part of our wider offer, there are a range of enrichment opportunities for children across our school. Information on our teaching staff led clubs can be found in the Enrichment Clubs tab in the side menu or follow this link. Enrichment clubs

In addition to the clubs run by school staff, we also offer a selection of additional clubs and lessons which are run by external agencies/practitioners. These sessions are outlined below and often take place after the school day as private lettings.

Extracurricular timetable.jpg

For more information about Wonder World Drama, please follow this link Wonder World Drama Information

For more information about Kidslingo, please follow this link Kidslingo

For more information about Junior Sport Stars, please follow this link Junior Sport Stars


Beaver Road Primary School is part of the Manchester Music Hub.

This service, in association with One Education, is now available in Chorlton and is open to children of Beaver Road  in Years 4-6. 

For more information, please visit https://gmmusichub.co.uk/

Private Tuition*

Across the week, during the afternoons, children have the opportunity to learn an instrument in school.

These sessions are organised and led by external agencies/practitioners.

We currently offer tuition in: Woodwind, Strings, Guitar, Brass, Piano

For further information, please contact the school office or speak with our Music leader, Ms Lowe, who will be happy to help.

*Those children eligible for Pupil Premium Funding will receive 50% off the cost of lessons for one musical instrument across the academic year.

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