School Catering Provision


Our Food

Beaver Road Primary School provides a daily hot lunch service for all children at school. The two course lunches, which are cooked freshly on site, offers pupils a balanced and nutritious meal that comply with the School Food Standards and consist of a wide choice of vegetarian and meat based main courses over a three week cycle menu. 

All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are automatically entitled to universal free school meals, but you may opt for a packed lunch if preferred. Children are welcome to bring a packed lunch, as long as it is in line with our Packed Lunch Policy, attached below. Trolleys for storing packed lunches are provided for each year group at the Junior School and stored in the children’s lockers at the first school.

Meals must be ordered in advance online at If you do not have a log in or have forgotten your credentials, please contact the School Office.

The current cost of a school meal is £2.50. Payments can be made by signing up to direct debit on your School Grid account or by card payment at the School Office. From September 2024 the price of a school meal will increase to £2.65

Our current menus can be found attached below. If your child has special dietary requirements, these can usually be catered for and we ask you to discuss these with the school office and let your child’s class teacher know.





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