Extended School Provision


Breakfast Club 

The breakfast club is located at the first school and is open from 07:35am each school day.  Pupils in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 & 2 will be based in the willow building located at the front of the school.  Pupils in years 3, 4,5 & 6 will be based in the main school dining hall.  Access to the dining hall can be found at the rear end of the school via Ventnor Road. The price for the breakfast club is £6.00 per day, per child. The breakfast club is open to early years, primary and junior school pupils.

The breakfast club offers creative play, gaming and entertainment areas. Your child will have access to a range of activities. The children are served a nutritious breakfast at the first school which consists of:  bagels, toast, cereal, yoghurts and fruit every morning between 07:35am until 08:30am. The children are taken to their classes by a member of staff at 08:40am at the start of the school day.

Junior children who attend breakfast club at the first school are then walked over to the junior school at 08.15am by teaching and breakfast club assistants.

Afterschool Club

The afterschool club for our Nursery and Reception children is located in the willow building which is located at the front of the first school. Year groups 1, 2 and 3 are based in the school dining hall which is located at the rear of the school.  The afterschool club is designed to offer a range of activities utilising both the indoor and outdoor areas. It runs from 15:20pm to 6.00pm every weekday.

A light tea is provided for the early years children at 4.00pm and 4.30pm for years 1, 2 & 3. The children are also given a nutritious snack of fresh fruit and vegetables on arrival to the afterschool club.   The afterschool club is run by a team of qualified staff and school TA's. 

The afterschool club at our junior school runs from 15.00pm to 6.00pm every weekday and offers the same activities as above. A light tea is provided at the Junior afterschool club at 4.30pm.

Booking System

We are using School Spider as our online booking system.  School spider allows you to book sessions for our breakfast club, afterschool club and holiday club. When using our online booking system you are also agreeing to our extended school policy terms and conditions.

The price for the breakfast club is £6.00, the afterschool club is £12.00 and the holiday club is £32.50. These prices are based on per day, per child.  

Registration Fee

For pupils that have joined us in the new academic School year will be requested to pay a £5.00 registration fee.  The £5.00 registration fee will need to be paid on the School Spider booking system. This is will give you access to book the breakfast club, afterschool club and the holiday club.

Holiday Club

The holiday club is located in the willow building and is open from 8.30am - 5.00pm. We provide a safe, friendly and an exciting environment for our children from early years through to year 6.  Parents will need to provide a packed (nut free) lunch for their children for every day that they attend.  We provide healthy snacks and water throughout the day. 

Childcare Vouchers 

For parents who would like to use childcare vouchers and the HMRC gateway top up to make payments for the breakfast club, after school club and the holiday club, will need to contact our extended services manager, Ruth Pearson or our extended school club co-ordinator Rachel Whittington at: [email protected]

Holiday Club Dates: 17th - 20th February 2025

7th - 10th April & 14th - 17th April 2025