
Here at Beaver Road Primary School we believe that safety on the internet is paramount and during your child’s time at school we actively monitor and filter internet access but it is not always easy for parents to do so in the same way.

As well as computer access, more commonly smartphones are an increasing source of internet use. The internet and social media can provide a space for children and young people to communicate, explore, laugh and learn, however, it is important we recognise that it can also in some cases cause issues and pose risks for children.

The technology children use in their daily lives can seem daunting. You might worry about the risks they can face online, such as bullying, contact from strangers, as well as the possibility of access to inappropriate or illegal content. To help them stay safe, it’s important that you understand how your child uses the internet.

There are lots of ways you can support them in being safe online at home.


Reporting Concerns Online

Please read the document titled 'Keeping Your Child Safe Online' ( 2020) which offers practical tips and advice on different aspects of keeping your child safe online. If you have any concerns that your child may have become a victim of online abuse, trolling, cybercrime or has been exposed to inappropriate content, please read section 5 of this document carefully to understand how to report the incident.

Setting Boundaries Together

As a parent or carer, the best tool to support your child in leading a safe and positive life online is open conversation. This leaflet 'Lets Talk About Life Online' ( 2020) includes practical advice and conversation starters to help you discuss the online world with your child. Whether you are approaching these conversations for the first time, or you have already made a start, this advice can help you to support your child to use technology in a happy and healthy way.

Creating a family agreement is great way to start positive family conversations around safe and responsible internet use, and to agree clear expectations and boundaries. Please read the document 'Family Agreement' ( 2020)

   Image result for agreement


How can I keep my child safe online?

Social media is constantly evolving and trends in apps, sites, games, movies, books and music being accessed by children is forever changing. It can be difficult keeping up to date with all these changes and understanding exactly how they can be used or how appropriate they are. You may have many questions such as:

  • Is it appropriate for my child?
  • How can it be used?
  • What is the age restriction?
  • How can I safeguard my child whilst using the site?

The following websites can help you review and understand the online content your child is accessing and help you make decisions on whether or not the content is appropriate for your child. They also have links and tips on how to change safety settings so that you can safeguard your child effectively.





Making Web Searches Safer

The internet can be a fountain of knowledge and it's important that children are taught how to use it safely. The following search engines are great for helping children surf the internet safely whist also finding sites with child friendly language so that it is easier for them to read.


Although these search engines are more child friendly and more filtered than other popular search engines, they should still be used under supervision. 

Click here for a link to Beaver Road's Computing webpage.

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