Physical Education
Subject Leader: Alexander Whyte
Subject Coordinators: Lee Knowles (Games & Swimming) Sarah Bristow (Dance & Gymnastics)
Link Governor: Matthew Coupe
At Beaver Road, we strive for all children to be active, confident, and above all else, happy. We are passionate about Physical Education, and through the delivery of an active curriculum, alongside our exciting and varied extra-curricular provision, we encourage children to obtain new skills, improve their fitness and enjoy learning – with physical activity at the forefront.
We believe that Physical Education is vital to pupils’ development: it allows children to maintain a healthy weight, to develop strength and agility, to develop social and emotional skills and to have a positive, “can do” attitude.
The Physical Education Curriculum
Our Physical Education curriculum is broad and balanced and is delivered in a safe and supportive environment, allowing children to challenge themselves and build on their confidence. We provide opportunities for all children to reach their potential - our lessons are well designed, engaging and always inclusive to ensure that all needs are catered for.
The Physical Education curriculum at Key Stage One and Key Stage Two follows the National Curriculum, and includes gymnastics, dance, games, swimming, athletics and outdoor and adventurous activities. Throughout all units of work, teachers are committed to helping children learn, and understand, just how important it is to be part of a healthy school – children are clear about what they are trying to achieve in each lesson and know that, ultimately, there are significant benefits of Physical Education to their health and well-being.
Extra-Curricular Opportunities
We believe that the opportunities provided to pupils at Beaver Road are excellent. Competitively, children have the chance to compete in 17 different sports across the year. In order to give more children the opportunity to compete, Mr Knowles enters two teams for each competition. In one team, children who excel in a particular sport are selected, and in the second team, children who show a keen interest and/or wish to challenge themselves within a particular sport are selected. We use this particular selection process in order to make sure our procedures are inline with the schools’ inclusive ethos, and we are proud of our record, which sees an increasing number of children from the school’s identified groups representing the school at all levels.
At Beaver Road, we offer a range of clubs before and after school including dance, gymnastics, drama, multi sports and football to name a few. These clubs run throughout the week for all of our boys and girls at Beaver Road. Please see our Enrichment Activities page for more information.
Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle
It is important that children have opportunities to be active throughout the whole school day. Many year groups have recently introduced ‘active curriculum’ sessions into their timetables, whereby teachers plan lessons to consolidate and build on learning in different subjects through games, in an active and fun environment. We believe that learning in this way helps to engage and excite children, and will inevitably enhance their learning potential. Our playgrounds are also set up to provide safe, structured activities, led by children and staff, in order to encourage physical activity throughout the whole school day.
Beaver Road’s Physical Education team are passionate about helping children to be physically active. They are keen to drive change and empower children to be confident learners who can evaluate and improve their performance; be creative and imaginative; be assertive; be performers and to understand how important it is to be a team player.
All children can be physically fit. At Beaver Road, we believe that with the right opportunities, the right activities and the right level of challenge and excitement - we will show children the value of being physically active and provide them with the foundations for a healthy lifestyle that they can take through with them into their future.