

Beaver Road Primary School became an academy school on the 1st November 2013 and is under the umbrella of the M20 Learning Trust. The Trust is a multi-academy trust (MAT) and is recognised as a sponsoring academy. This gives the M20 Learning Trust the capacity to take responsibility for managing other schools should it be asked to and should it choose to do so.

All academy schools in the M20 Learning Trust are governed by one Trust Board. The board of Trustees for the M20 Learning Trust are responsible for decisions relating to how each school in the MAT functions, from the curriculum and staffing to finances and resources. The M20 Learning Trust also establishes a local governing body for each of its academies, to which it delegates some of its functions and remains accountable for these functions.

Beaver Road Primary School is a large split site academy school under the governance of the M20 Learning Trust and it's own local school Governing Body. Martenscroft Nursery School and Children's Centre is also under the umbrella of the M20 Learning Trust through a partnership agreement, as they are not currently eligible to covert as an academy. The two schools work collaboratively together to support, develop and enhance the provision in both school communities.  



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