Beaver Road Primary School became an academy school on 1st November 2013 and is now under the umbrella of the M20 Learning Trust. The Trust is a multi-academy trust and has recently gained recognition as a sponsoring academy. This gives the Trust the capacity to take responsibility for managing other schools should it be asked to and should it choose to do so.
Beaver Road is a converter academy. Schools that want to convert need to demonstrate that they are in a strong enough position to do so. The Department for Education looks at the following criteria to decide if a school is performing well enough to convert:
the last 3 years’ exam results, which must be above floor standards, and whether they are above, or moving towards national averages
comparisons with exam performance in similar schools and those in the local are
the most recent Ofsted inspection, which must show that it is an outstanding school or good with outstanding features. The DfE looks in particular at what Ofsted says about the school’s capacity to improve and the effectiveness of the leadership team
assurance that the school is in good financial health
any other information the school thinks would help their application and any exceptional circumstances that the DfE should be aware of.
Beaver Road converted as a multi-academy trust (MAT). All academies in a MAT are governed by one trust and a single board of directors. The board of directors is responsible for decisions relating to how each academy is run, from the curriculum to staffing. The MAT can establish a local governing body for each of its academies, to which it can delegate some of its functions and remains accountable for these functions.
Beaver Road Primary School is a single academy school under the governance of the M20 Learning Trust.
Academies are publicly funded independent schools that are not managed by a local authority. Beaver Road is run by the Beaver Road Academy Trust which is a charitable company limited by guarantee.