Behaviour For Learning


Beaver Road Primary School believes that, in order to facilitate teaching and learning, acceptable behaviour must be demonstrated in all aspects of school life.

The school acknowledges that behaviour can sometimes be the result of educational, mental health, other needs or vulnerabilities, and will address these needs via an individualised graduated response. The school acknowledges that poor behaviour may be a sign that a child is suffering harm or have been traumatised by abuse.

Beaver Road Primary School is a Rights Respecting School, based upon the United Nations Convention for the Rights of the Child (CRC). By promoting the values of respect, dignity and non-discrimination, our children’s self-esteem and wellbeing are supported and nurtured. Our children build a moral framework, based on equality and respect for all that lasts a lifetime.  

Our Rights Respecting School gives every child a powerful language to use to express themselves and to challenge the way they are treated and injustices for others. Children are empowered to access information that enables them to make informed decisions about their learning, health and wellbeing.

We use a range of strategies to support learning with relationships at the centre of them. These strategies include: Restorative Practice, Emotion Coaching, Zones of Regulation, The Three Cs, 'Reflect and Reset' and Class Charters.

Please see the files for more information about these strategies we use in school. This also includes slides which were delivered at a parent coffee morning, outlining how you might use some of these strategies at home.